How well do you know your app subscribers?

People have different needs. But if you don’t know what they want, you can lose their business. With Purchasely, run cross-channel A/B tests and campaigns and boost revenues by at least 30%. Effortlessly.
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If you’re not in control of subscriptions, who is?

The only way to get to know subscribers is to run growth experiments. But you need to ask a developer for help who has more “important” things to do. That’s why we take care of all that “techy” stuff for you.

Be autonomous and enjoy full control of your flow screens with no coding needed

Engage and retain subscribers on your schedule, not a developer’s

Boost sales and improve your customers’ experience with our easy step-by-step Paywall builder

Paywall building The Mind - Free trial-1

Put app tests where they belong. In your hands.

The only way to keep subscribers is to anticipate their needs and give them offers they can’t resist. Lucky for you, we help you take back all the control without asking for tech support.

Discover the best offer to attract, upsell or win back subscribers

Subscription optimization with price A/B testing

Customize and test Paywall layout, design, colours and content with our no-code Paywall builder

A/B test

Get to know your subscribers at every step

Monitor and understand the actions of every subscriber and leverage that knowledge for seizing marketing opportunities at every stage of the lifecycle.

Increase subscriber knowledge by monitoring 30+ user journey and purchase events in real-time

Integrate subscriber data with attribution, analytics and mobile engagement tools

Launch no-code automation with cancellation survey, payment method update and retention flows

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We needed to launch a new initiative to acquire new subscribers through our apps. Thanks to Purchasely’s cross-platform subscription Flow Builder, we’re increasing our subscriber base on mobile and TV devices by up to ten percent in just thirty days.
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Kim-Ngan Damasse, Head of Sales & Marketing, Anime Digital Network


Ready to increase your in-app revenue?