Customer Testimonials

What makes Purchasely stand out is not just what the solution does but our dedication to delivering an ever-evolving and tailored experience to our customers - with sincere care for their growth.

But don’t just take our word for it. Read what our customers have to say.

BlueThrone Purchasly customer

« If we have to code it by ourselves, it’s a nightmare. You want to move fast when you have big apps, you want to test fast, you want to fail fast and find out what works fast. That’s why we love you. We don’t use you, we love you. »

« We can sit together, build a paywall. And we are not technical people. Launch it and get the feedback. This is the dream. »

Alon & Idan Waller, CEO Co-founder & CMO Co-founder
Bluethrone video testimonial
Group 3-3
Stretch app

"Seeing Purchasely, it was a no-brainer because
it takes care of everything.
Purchasely’s templates make it easy to have amazing paywalls that look great and highly converting.
We’ve seen that the conversion doubled as a result of an A/B test."

Sunny Dulay

Sunny Dulay, Founder

Breakthrough Apps

Watch his testimonial video

So Syncd app 1

"The impact of implementing Purchasely Paywall Builder was noticed straight away.
We have been able to quickly launch Paywall A/B tests and improve conversion of certain paywalls by 100%+"

Jessica Alderson

Jessica Alderson, CEO & Co-founder

So Syncd

Read our case study

Group 2-3
Tipstop paywalls
Tipstop App

"Stop spending money and time on something that you will never be able to do better than what Purchasely offers. Managing In-App Subscriptions is a job in itself (so, add that to your resource planning)."

Ludovic Adel

Ludovic Adel, CEO & Co-founder


Read our case study

Scanner Document App

"You need to sell the value of your app even before users discover your app. You see that in every application, you have paywalls very early on because it’s what converts most. To bring paywalls early, you need to make your users understand the concept and content of your application."

Adrien Miniatti

Adrien Miniatti, CEO & Founder


Listen to him on our podcast

Scanner Document paywall
Testimonial  - Sunny Dulay
Testimonial  - So Syncd
Testimonial  - Eveline
Testimonial  - Andy
Testimonial  - Adrien
Testimonial  - Tipstop
Testimonial  - Nomad Education
Testimonial  - Ryfacto
Testimonial  - CMI
Testimonial  - Sybel
Testimonial  - ADN
Testimonial  - Clay
Testimonial Bim

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